Children's Ministry
Welcome to Children's Ministry! We currently cater to four different age groups on Sunday mornings.
Our goal in ministry is to partner with you and your child! Children's Ministry provides biblical teachings and
encouragement. We strive to support the development of the relationship between parents and their children.
We begin each service by getting our kids up and moving with praise-filled worship. We use a variety of curriculums that focus on teaching kids how they can have a relationship with Jesus. We have activities and crafts that help reinforce the lessons we teach, and a new memory verse to learn each month!
If you have any questions about the ministry, or how you can volunteer, contact Ashley Romaine, our Director of Children's Ministry by emailing
Connect with Spout Springs Church families!
We've got an awesome Facebook group for sharing updates, photos, and let you know what's going in our Children's Ministry! Click the button below to find us on Facebook.
Interested in Volunteering?
For a successful Children's Ministry, we need approximately 80 volunteers each month. We could use YOUR help! If you are interested in volunteering with children, please click the button below to be directed to our volunteer form.

Tour of Children's Ministry
Currently, all of our children's classrooms take place in the big tent building on campus. We have classes for children ages 6 weeks through the end of fifth grade.

Our nursery is for children ages six weeks until their second birthday. When you drop your child off in the nursery, they will spend time with our volunteers playing, singing, and learning to be with friends. Our volunteers are devoted to the care and nurture of the children in their care so that parents can attend service worry free.

Two’s and Three’s
The Two’s and Three’s classroom is a place where children can begin their transition from playtime to Sunday school. Children in this classroom get to play, read, have snack time, and begin to learn foundational Biblical principles and applications. There are skill building toys, children’s books, and coloring pages that aid in this.

Four’s and Five’s
Our Four and Five year olds experience a combination of playing and Bible lessons. They begin each service with worship, then move onto a Bible lesson, accompanied by a video and snack, then finish up their time with us with a craft or activity. Children in this classroom will also continue learning foundational Biblical principles and applications.

Kindergarten through Fifth Grade
All of our elementary aged children meet together where they do a deep dive into the Bible and its principles. This classroom begins each service with praise focused worship time, and then continues on with lessons taught by our classroom leaders that teach and develop foundational biblical principles and applications. They have an accompanying video that goes with their lesson and then they finish off with a craft or activity that reinforces the day’s lesson.